At least, it feels like I am. I'm still proofreading two books I meant to have out in March, and the Max Brand one should be done today or tomorrow, up here immediately, and up on Amazon whenever they deign to approve it as public domain. The Ed Lacy will follow sometime next week.
After that, I hit a bit of a weird spot on the schedule I'm trying to catch up on. There is another Brand, and a noir novel by Elliot Chaze, and... then I'm in July of last year's schedule. Which has one book that is really a July 4th book, though I may do it up early for LibertyCon, a complete collection for a forgotten author who died too young, a Peter Rabe noir and another Brand.
But before that (the collection may take more time than I was planning on, even though all the initial processing is long finished), I'll probably begin breaking one of my unwritten rules. There is at least one novel which went up on Project Gutenberg recently which I'm probably going to publish. Given the nature of what I'm trying to do, bringing new books into ebook form from the public domain, I have tried to avoid doing that. There has been a partial exception --- a book which is on Gutenberg, but only as serial installments in full issues of a magazine, rather than as a stand-alone book --- and there will be future exceptions of one sort or another. But the upcoming one is going to be the first time I really, truly break the unwritten rule.
Why? Well, it's a favorite author, and it's a book I had in the queue already. Plus, Gutenberg found the longer edition, and vetted it as public domain (which my preliminary research indicated it was not; I was going to do the shorter initial publication version), and... I wanted to read it. Also, I already have a great cover for it.
Another exception will be made for another off-the-schedule "secret" project, a series of stories and novels all starring a recurring western character. Gutenberg has, haphazardly, put up several novels and shorter works featuring the character, while I'm going to go through and fill in the gaps, publishing the stories (that I know of) in original publication order. So, for example, the first collection will contain three novellas, the first two made into e-texts by myself, and the third one copy-pasted from Gutenberg.
Then three more novellas (the last one falling just short of "novel" length), again with one being sourced from Gutenberg.
Then, separately, three novels, again with only one coming from Gutenberg. And so on.
Since these are not on the schedule (and I never meet my schedules anyway), I've no idea when I'll manage to put them up. The first collection, at least, should be sometime during the summer, since I've done most of the work and now just have to read it, enter corrections, and write an introduction. Even the cover already exists.
But, right this moment, apart from continuing to work though the schedule I set down two years ago and trying to catch up, or at least not fall further behind, I also am trying to get October's two big projects prepared --- this year's Eerie Collection, and the first Victober Collection (which, by word count, will be HUGE, far too large to do a paper edition; we're talking north of 500,000 words).
If I manage to stay on top of everything, the Victober Collection will contain up to six (count 'em: six!) Victorian novels that have never before had a proper ebook edition. (There will, of course, be individual editions for each novel, as well.)
And somewhere in among all of this, I need to get my own writing going again. I can feel the creature stir, and the stories are starting to clamor to come out. About which, more later.