There is a chance, now, that Amazon will un-terminate my account.
I let things sit for most of a week, then on Sunday evening I wrote the following email, my fifth or sixth response to their word-for-word the same scripted email that demanded I comply.
OK, once again, I shall try speaking reason to idiots who can only copy-paste from their scripts.
> You must hold exclusive publishing rights for books
> that closely match content freely available on the web.
False. Public domain books are allowed, under your own guidelines. (https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200743940) Public domain books, by definition, can have no "exclusive publishing rights".
> You must hold exclusive publishing rights for books
> that closely match content freely available on the web.
Again, this is false. You allow public domain books to be published, following these guidelines: (https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200743940).
> To have your account reinstated, please take the following steps:
> 1. Reply to this message with the following declaration: "I confirm
> that I have read and will comply with the Content Guidelines
> (https://kdp.amazon.com/help/topic/G200672390), and I will unpublish
> any previously published titles for which I do not have the exclusive
> publishing rights.";
Let me make this unambiguously clear: I will not make a declaration that could be interpreted as "I will not publish public domain books" because that is a large part of what I do, it is within your guidelines (https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200743940), and you have already declared that I have not violated any guidelines, meaning that forcing me to act like I violated them is tantamount to me admitting to something which I have not done.
I remind you that on 11/4/23 at 12:13 PM in an email from Amazon, THIS is what was communicated to me:
> We've reviewed the book(s) listed below and
> can confirm that it meets the content guidelines
> we previously messaged you about on
> 11-03-2023
You have reviewed the book in question and CAN CONFIRM that it meets the guidelines.
Therefore, I will not behave as if I failed to follow the guidelines, since YOU CONFIRMED that I followed them.
It is now more than a week after this message and you unjustifiably suspending my account. This nonsense borders on tortious interference with my publishing business. You are punishing me for following the guidelines and not doing anything wrong.
> and
> 2. After reinstatement, review your catalog and unpublish any titles
> that do not comply with the Content Guidelines or for which you do not
> have the necessary publishing rights
All of my books comply with the content guidelines. (https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200743940) I have the necessary publishing rights, because the bulk of what I publish is IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, and the rest of what I publish is my own writing.
This is bullshit. Kindly knock it the fuck off.
Which got, you will not be surprised to learn, yet another copy of exactly the same email that I quoted in my response.
I blind copied the above email to a "secret" email address at Amazon (it's actually widely known, but I'm not giving spambots anything to play with here). And this morning, this showed up in my inbox:
My name is Tara Lewis with KDP Executive Customer Relations. Jeff Bezos received your message, and I'm reaching out on his behalf..
I just wanted to let you know that I'm looking into your account suspension, and will provide you with an update by 11/15 at the latest.
Tara Lewis
Executive Customer Relations
Kindle Direct Publishing
Now that I have a human being whose first language is English and is possessed of a last name, it is possible that I'll get my account back.
But I'm still not holding my breath.
Look for two books to go up this week for subscribers only. If I get my 'Zon account back, I'll publish them a week later there.