Henry Kissinger passed away last week at the age of one hundred, and every sector of the political sphere reacted just about as expected.
I have no opinion on whether he should be counted as an evil war criminal, or a foreign relations genius who helped the nation weather the 1970s better than would otherwise have been possible. My knowledge of his career is fairly superficial, and I'm not interested engouh in it to gain more depth.
But there is one particular hot take on one of his policies that is beyond stupid, it is actively evil: putting the blame for communist China's present state squarely on Kissinger, due to his getting Nixon to open relations with Mao's China in the early 1970s.
Think of it this way: Theodore Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotating an end to the Russo-Japanese War in the 1900s. (Hey, weird, a President who actually did something to win a Peace Prize!) The end of this war, in this way, was a factor that, along with many other factors, lead to Japan's imperial ambitions of the 1930s.
Have you ever heard anybody blame TR for the Pacific Theater of World War II? Of course not. It would be stupid to believe that TR (or anybody) could see that thirty years down the road, the Nth-order consequences of his peace treaty would cause a war of a scale that was literally unimaginable pre-World War I.
And yet some mouth breathing pontificators have said that Kissinger is to blame for Xi Jinping's reign, which only began (officially) forty-plus years after he and Nixon went to China.
But that's not why it is evil.
It is evil because it ignores what Kissinger accomplished in the immediate term by going to China.
He ensured that nearly a billion human beings, after decades of oppression and famine and starvation, not only survived, but began to thrive.
Red China's record from 1973 to 2010 was, of course, far from perfect. But the general trend was, in spite of atrocities like Tiananmen Square, going in the right direction. They were moving toward freedom and prosperity. Imperfectly, but steadily. Until Xi took power.
To blame Kissinger for the atrocities, and ignore the billions of lives he measurably improved, is evil.