I was so swamped by playing catch-up with myself that it was only a day or two ago that I realized I don't have a proper Public Domain Day release — to me, a proper release would be something published in 1928, the year that enters the public domain come January.
After a few moments of fretting — do I have any books first published in '28? Can I scan and OCR one of them in time, given that I don't have scanning set up at the moment? — I realized I had PDFs of at least two issues of Adventure magazine from that year, and when I checked them, one had a novel in it, complete. (The other one has a China-set adventure novella that I might do, too.) So, that gets added to the pile of things to do, and will probably keep me from quite catching up to even the recently revised schedule until after the new year, but I can cope with that.
But this Public Domain Day is a big one, maybe the biggest. It's the one that the Walt Disney Company has managed to delay thirty-nine years by paying off (er, "lobbying") politicians over and over again. Disney, thankfully, is in the process of self-immolation, having made itself toxic to half the country and to the politicians that represent that half at least, along with squandering all of their money and their intellectual properties so that, even if they tried to do a last minute push, they simply don't have the liquid capital to do so.
Which means that on 1 January 2024, Mickey Mouse will be set free. At least, the version of Mickey in Steamboat Willie will be.
This is a big deal. And one little old novel from Adventure doesn't seem like enough to celebrate it. Even if it does look to be a fun one.
So while I'm working on this book, and all the others on the schedule, I'll be trying to think of some way to mark the occasion with a bit more.