I hit "publish" on a book on Amazon last night for the first time in weeks, when I should have been able to get out two a week for each of those weeks. Depression hit me, for a few reasons, and I just couldn't read more than a chapter a day, or focus on any one story.
But I did get one up. I'll get another one up soon, as that proofread is nearly finished. Publication on Amazon will return to "one a week" in the near term, then draw out to one every two weeks at some point this year, not counting the hell month of October.
But I haven't posted the book here, and that's not my fault. MediaFire is not letting me upload the file, for no discernible reason.
Which is another reason I need to get BookFunnel up and running, but that has to wait a few days to a week.
Meanwhile, I'm still plugging away, and hoping I can open up enough lead time on the public domain books to give myself space to write my own stuff.