Books • Movies • Writing
Ex-Ministers of Fate - Chapter Two
February 10, 2024
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© 2024 D. Jason Fleming, CC BY-SA 4.0

Another Saturday, another chapter...

Chapter Two

"You want me to protect you from the vengeance of all the loved ones of people fate screwed over!? Lady, I don't care what kind of power you believe I have, that's nuts."

"Why?" She was not only unperturbed, she was curious. Honestly, genuinely curious.

"Because it is completely impossible."

"How so?"

"In every way there is, and probably a few that never existed before. To list just a few items: first, how am I to determine who is and who is not after you? Second, how am I to determine who is likely to make an attempt on your life, and who just wants to vent some anger in your direction? Third, how do I tell which ones, and how many, are coming after you today, and which ones will politely wait a few years?"

"That's what I'm hiring you to deal with. I don't care how you do it." Elven necks are thin, proportionally. That thinness makes them awfully tempting to throttle, sometimes.

"I'm telling you that can't be done. You can care or not care, it doesn't make a difference, the task is impossible."

I took another drink from my stein. Well, okay, I emptied it. Can you blame me? And she was an elf. This conversation was apt to go in circles for hours as she tried every rephrasing and reframing that she could imagine to find a way to trick me into saying yes.

So when she nodded and said, "I understand. Do you have any alternative suggestions?" it threw me.

Because, like I said, she was an elf. Set in her ways, ancient (by human standards), and of a mindset and from a culture that was quite certain that everyone and every thing else should be required to conform to its whims at all times.

And that's before factoring in the fact that she'd been a bureaucrat for Delph knew how long.

Actually, Delph might know how long. But I wasn't going to ask.

I looked at her, and fiddled with the empty stein, turning it one way, sliding it an inch or three, rotating it the other way. But I kept looking at Smythe the bureaucratic elf. Well, actually I was staring in her general direction and thinking. My brain sluiced down dozens of channels at once, dropped the ones with obvious barriers, and tried to see twenty implications down the line. Which my brain is not especially good at, but I didn't seem to have any problems with it that day.

Except one.

What she wanted really was impossible. I kept running up against that wall, over and over again.

Then I realized I was looking at it in the wrong way.

"You asked me to stop every sentient being that has ever lost a loved one to an unjust fate from exacting revenge on you. But that's not what you really want."

Her lips might have compressed a fraction. Elves in general are not accustomed to being treated that rudely, let alone bureaucratic tyrant elves. But she didn't rebuke me, either.

"What you really want is to continue living, in safety."

"Yes," she sniffed, "that is what I said."

"It is not what you asked of me, madame. What you asked was impossible. What I just stated might not be."


One corner of my mouth might of lifted a bit. "You want cast-iron certainties?" She quivered a bit at the reference to cold iron. "If I do nothing, you'll definitely die, and soon. Yes?"

She nodded.

"Well, I can't guarantee you won't die ever, but I do believe I can lessen that certainty quite a bit. Or, I believe it is possible, but... well, I have to think at the problem a bit, and then if I find a solution, you'll have to approve it. Meantime, you're a guest here at the Hotel. You're going to be here for a while, so check with Bob," I waved at the dorf behind the bar, "about a key and a room. You're safer here than just about anywhere else for the time."

"I imagine it would be useless to ask if I might stay here indefinitely?"

"For the moment," I said, "your stay is indefinite, as in I'm not sure when we can get a solution for you working. If you mean, stay here permanently," I glanced over at Delph, who seemed not to be paying attention to the two of us, "that's not up to me." 

Smythe thanked me for my time and consideration, arose, and went over to the bar for a minute, getting a key from Bob.

When she was out of the tavern room, I went, got a tumbler of something a good bit stronger than beer, and went over to Delph's table.

There are not many who would dare sit without invitation in the unQueen's presence, even after the Renunciation, when she theoretically made all beings equal. She remains a being of immense power, and still carries the reputation — unfair, in my experience — of being capricious.

I sat.

Delph smiled. "Well, Guy? Did you have an interesting chat with our new guest?"

"You know her?"

"The ministers of fate had an unusual position, one even the Queen could not trump. Fate ruled over all, even the Queen."

"You telling me you were fated to destroy fate?"

Her eyes twinkled at me. "That is a conundrum which is nigh unanswerable."

I took a swallow of the old firewater. "Do you also know why she came here?"

Delph moved her head in a maddeningly elven, indeterminate way. "There are multiple possibilities."

"Milady, boss, if you're going to be difficult and kittenish, I'll knock off for the night and come back when you're willing to talk instead of bait me."

"I am not baiting you."

"Then answer the damn question. I'm in no mood."

"No," she said, "I do not know. Is she here to kill you? Or to seek protection from the loved ones of the victims of fate? Or for another reason all together?"

"She started by telling me she's going to kill me, and then she asked me to protect her. You're two for three."

Delph lifted a flute to her lips and took a sip of the bubbly. "Three for three, more than likely."

I "humph"ed at that. Elves. Even when they're playing straight with you, there's always the things they don't mention. Delph was right, there was probably something else going on, too.

"She's getting installed in a room here. I presume that's acceptable."

Delph waved a hand. I had authority here to go along with my responsibilities. Whether the unQueen herself would have protected one of her own without me doing it, she wasn't likely to tell me. The decision was made, and that was that.

"There's going to be attempts made on her here," I said.

She smiled. Yeah, the attempts, at most, would provide a little entertainment. 

"Might be an attempt or two on me, as well. And I'm going to have to go out and about into the bargain."

"You," she said, "are neither child nor naif. I will worry what to do without you only after you actually die. And though your client be an elf, and a bureaucrat, I doubt she'd like you dead before she was genuinely safe. We are capricious, not suicidal. Any attempt from her quarter would be a mere test of your resilience."

I'd had a few elven tests of resilience. I knew better than to expect to skate through whatever was coming, even from a supposed ally.

But that wasn't what I needed to talk about.

"Delph, she wants permanent protection."

The lady didn't laugh. She did seem to choke a bit on her champagne, though. Probably a bubble or two went up her nose. That must be it.

"Even funnier, milady, is that I have an idea how we might do that."

Her eyebrows went up. "'We'?"

"Well, I'm assuming you don't want this place becoming a permanent dwelling for former bureaucrats. Do you?"

She shivered, ever so slightly.

"Yeah, thought not. So I'm going to need magic. Strong magic. You've not only got that, you've got some experience with what I have in mind. We'll tap whatever reserves of manna she's got left, but I'll need your hand guiding things, I think."

And I told her what I had in mind.

She was not amused.

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Here is the Table of Contents for an issue of Western Story Weekly from 1932.

Can you see what's funny and inspiring about it?


The first three authors are all one author. Max Brand, Peter Henry Morland and George Owen Baxter were (just a few of the) pen names of Frederick Schiller Faust. That magnificent so-and-so was not only one of the best pulp writers, he wrote so stinking fast that he could take up more than half the issue of a weekly pulp, and do it on the regular.

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Free Culture Art

I generate a lot of AI art for potential book covers. Much of it will never get used, so I'm sharing things here that I have no plans for, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 ( ) International License. One a day, every day, for as long as I feel like it.

(Cross-posted to Minds ( ).)

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Free Culture Art

I generate a lot of AI art for potential book covers. Much of it will never get used, so I'm sharing things here that I have no plans for, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 ( ) International License. One a day, every day, for as long as I feel like it.

(Cross-posted to Minds ( ).)

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All hook, no substance

I chanced to listen to the radio the other day, something I haven't done often in over twenty years. The radio in the car I was driving happened to be tuned to what used to be called an oldies station, but these days is kind of the same mush on every radio station—a blend of stuff from the '70s up to now, with recordings of the same "DJ" everybody probably hears across the country on some stations, because local broadcast radio is basically dead.

But that's a rant for another day.

As I drove, the unmistakable opening notes to a song I remembered fondly from my childhood started, and I thought something like "Man, I loved this, but I was a kid, rarely listened to the words, and can't even remember what the second or third verses might be." So I listened.

Turns out, there was good reason for that. The song doesn't go anywhere. There's the verse, the chorus, repeat, and done. It's literally three great hooks, some "deep" lines that don't add up to anything, and nothing more.

Now, the purpose of the song was to support a movie about a band, Eddie and the Cruisers. The song wasn't important, per se, to the movie except to have something cool, rocking, and distinctive for the band to play. Those hooks, that feel, was what was important, really. But as a song, it falls apart because it's not about anything, and the melody doesn't go anywhere.

In a way, the song is quite good for what it is supposed to be. It's supposed to be a minor hit from the early 1960s, pre-British Invasion. As that, it actually fits some standards of the time. Short. Emotional. Uncomplicated.

But even there, the shortest songs of the era had a feeling of going somewhere. "Stay (Just A Little Bit Longer)" by Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs is about a minute and a half, but even though it's static in a storytelling sense (it ends with the same plea that opens it), it has real emotional movement to it. "On the Dark Side" tries to do this with the (wonderful, if brief) sax solo.

This is why the song is a nostalgia piece, not something that new generations discover and embrace as their own, in spite of the cult status of the movie for which it was created.

This is a good thing to remember when writing a story (of any length), too. Yes, you need a great hook, something to grab the reader and make him think "Whoa, that's cool!" And if you can do three great hooks, that's even better. but you need more than just hooks. The story has to be about something, and has to have some kind of movement to it, even if you wind up right back at the beginning.

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Even things that suck should be preserved

In August 2024, a new video game was released called Concord. Two weeks later, due to disastrous numbers, Playstation announced the game would be taken down, and all players would be fully refunded.

Why and how the game sucked, which it clearly did, is not important here. What is important is that it is, as far as I can tell, going to vanish from all human knowledge. The game, being an online sort of a thing, will cease to be, or at least, playing it will never be an option for anyone.

Something similar happened a year or two ago when Disney+ cancelled, then removed, the Willow series from its service. They did it for a tax write-off, but what they are doing is removing a creation, however awful, from the sum total of human endeavor.

This is not remotely Disney's first memory hole rodeo. The Song of the South has been locked away in their archives, the copyright renewed for the sole purpose of denying its availability to the public.

This deliberate vanishing of creations bothers me deeply.

Heck, I get grouchy about some pulp magazines from the 1900s, like (for example) issues of Railroad Man's Magazineapparently not being extant, meaning the world is missing out on early short stories by Johnston McCulley (and possibly even a serialized novel or two by him) and others. I still retain hope that Lon Chaney's film London after Midnight will turn up in an attic somewhere, because all we have are still images, and a loose remake from some years later. The fact that it was apparently not good is beside the point. It existed, and should be preserved. 

But the deliberate removal of a creation from human knowledge is another thing again. Those old pulps, and films, disappeared because of neglect. The idea that something can be disappeared by intention is haunting to me.

And not only to me. There are at least two novels about this idea.

Paul Auster's The Book of Illusions is an excellent book (don't hold Auster's NPR fan club, or his being an Important Author, against it) about a man who becomes obsessed with the life and work of a silent film comedian, Hector Mann, whose work disappeared for decades, until copies of his two-reel comedies began appearing anonymously in the mail to various university archives in the 1980s. His obsession leads him to discover what happened to Mann after his disappearance in 1928, and to learn of the existence of a list of films made, but never released, with tantalizing titles. He even gets to view one of them before... well, before what happens.

I've not read The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and I should correct that. It's another "literary" book that may overcome its pretensions by sheer force of premise. A boy whose father owns a book shop takes him one day to the Cemetary of Forgotten Books, where he discovers a novel called The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax, and takes it home. It turns out to be the very last copy of that novel that is known to exist, and the author disappeared under mysterious circumstances. (And the implication, which might be wrong, is that the author made the books disappear when he did.)

Clearly, the idea of creative works being destroyed haunts the minds of creators, and not just me. 

There's a bit of a fine line I am willing to draw. I made attempts at being a screenwriter, years ago, and none of my screenplays remains extant. J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5, destroys his notes and outlines so that all that remains available for anybody is the final, completed work. (He explicitly does this to make it difficult for academics to be able to impose their theories on his work after he is gone.) So: if there is a single creator, and they are destroying something never released to the world... it still makes me itchy (despite me being guilty of it myself), but I can sort of accept that.

But for a company like Disney to take completed work, released to the world (no matter how disastrously) and then vanish it for a tax write-off, of all things... that I cannot accept.

It would be better to allow the tax write-off, but instead of disappearance or destruction, encourage the company to release the unprofitable creation to the public domain. Would it not be better to release the Willow series on a Blu Ray set (without DRM), marked with a Creative Commons Zero license, and include the score on companion CDs within the set, also marked with the CC0 license, give them the write off, and let anyone who wants to make use of any and all of the assets as they see fit? I say it would. It goes against everything Disney currently stands for, but the law could be rewritten to encourage such an action.

And Concord? There I'm less sure how to go about it, since I'm less well versed in video games and how online, multiplayer games could be preserved and/or released to fans to remix. But I should think a similar thing could be done. Upload the source files to the Archive, maybe, and make the game engine public domain, too. Look at what's been done with the Unreal Engline, for example.

But there has to be a better path than destroying that which has been created. Has to be.

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To monograph, or not to monograph
A pinch of angst, a dash of navel-gazing

I've been wrestling for several years now with the idea of writing at least four monographs, two on film directors, and two reacting to works of applied philosophy.

The two reacting to books should be relatively easy. The initial idea for this whole thing began with Jeffrey Tucker's essay "Live Blogging A Book Makes You Smarter". Although I've wavered back and forth on doing it as actual blogging (you may have noticed that consistency in posting is not one of my strengths), keeping a journal of sorts as I react to a book chapter by chapter is well within my capabilities. It still feels pretentious to publish a book, but why the hell not? I've published a hundred or so by other writers.

The two on filmmakers are more daunting, given that I have little academic background, and despite having a coherent thematic approach for each (and that only some analytical writing has been done on either director), I'm more lost at sea for those.

There are two basic problems, and I should ignore both of them.

First, I've never done book-length nonfiction, let alone of an academic nature (and have zero desire to join the academy as it currently exists, frankly). Trying to organize my thoughts on the filmmakers' books feels like intellectual whack-a-mole, where I lay out any kind of an outline, and a voice in my head says "but what about [insert twenty-five things that are tangents, at best, from what I'm trying to say]?" The solution to this is to Just Write.

Second, imposter syndrome. I have no credentials, no outside validation. I'm not dumb, and indeed, know what I'm talking about to such an extent that when I discuss one of my obsessions with someone who does not share them, they tend to be intrigued and interested rather than bored.

The solution to this, also, is to Just Write.

Of course, there is also the issue of free time. I've got my indie editing. And editing for Raconteur Press, two lines of novels. And iktaPOP's public domain pulp. And iktaPOP's public domain line for homeschoolers that I need to start doing. And my own fiction writing. And, and, and.

The filmmakers are Jess Franco and Albert Pyun. The philosophers are Lysander Spooner and Ayn Rand (and the Spooner book will also be published by iktaPOP, partly because there is currently no good ebook edition of it available).

Chapters from any or all of these may get posted here, though once the books are ready for publication, the posts here will go behind the paywall to conform to Amazon's publication requirements.

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