Second in a series of posts reviewing Severin Films's box set Game of Clones: Bruceploitation Volume 1.
Sorry it's taking so long to get these things up. Life is a bit hectic and looks unlikely to get much less so soon. Hopefully, I can write these up a bit more quickly from here on out.
First and most importantly, gratuitous boobs. Nice gratuitous boobs, even. Because it's 1980.
That out of the way, here we have another example of pornography plotting. Things happen in the story because that's what the producers wanted to happen, and how it fits into any kind of story is, at best, a tertiary consideration.
So, Bruce Lee dies. His body is taken to a hospital, then brought over to a mad scientist (played by an American who played the bad guy in Way of the Dragon) so that he can make several clones of Bruce for the government. (Which government is not made explicit, but seems pretty clearly that of Great Britain, what with Hong Kong being a Brit colony at the time.) Why? Um, well, for "missions". Why can't they just have trained agents do these missions, why go to the bother of making and raising clones (yeah, no, no "raising", they're fully grown because low budget movie logic)? As the Critical Drinker would say, Don't Know!
So three clones are made, and two of them have a Bruceploitation track record, Bruce Le and Dragon Lee. Bruce Lai had done, maybe, two Bruceploitation flicks before this one, making him the rookie of the bunch. (And a fourth Bruce shows up in a mid-movie sequence, Bruce Thai in, of course, Thailand.) They get trained up, including by Bolo Yeung, and then get tasked to take out various criminals. The trip to Thailand includes the most gratuitous sidetrip ever, where the two Bruces go to a nude beach, see nearly a dozen topless Thai ladies posing for the cameras, then decide, nah, they're going to go do something else before taking down the drug lord.
So, after two or three random missions, Mad Scientist Guy decides to turn the Bruces against each other, so that the strongest one will be his sole servant so that he can rule the world. How? Don't Know!
Newest Bruce dies, the other two team up against Mad Scientist Guy, they win, the end.
As you might guess from the above description, the movie is bonkers, though not even close to the most bonkers movie in this set. The plot, such as it is, was clearly thrown together in haste, with a solid use of the assets the producers had at hand, and no concern at all for making it a coherent story. Again, the justification for creating three clones of Bruce Lee is, within the story, a bit thin. Your entire reason for making the movie, and you don't even work out a reason inside of the story? And then you make the entire second act random missions that could be anything, without any real tie to the characters or the plot? It's hilarious, and entertaining, doesn't make a lick of sense, and pretty clearly was written at speed to fit the elements available. Probably the night before each day's shooting.